Spreeek currently consists of ten partners. But Spreeek is open to everyone. If you want to become our new partner, please contact schnelzer@emma.nl.
The founding members of Spreeek aim/want to include/involve all relevant organisations. To accomplish this, we use these terms and conditions:
Spreeek has three kinds of partners. The founding members determine the partner policy which our board evaluates annually.
Head Spreeekers
Head Spreeekers are Spreeek’s founding members that contribute to the development and realisation of Spreeek in 2021. We invite other organisations to become Head Spreeekers as well.
The basic partner level of Spreeek is Spreeeker. A Spreeeker:
Guest Spreeekers
Spreeek strives to be an inclusive organisation with an as wide as possible range of debates and dialogues on offer. Because we realise not every organisation can afford to become one of our Head Spreeekers, we offer the possibility to become a Guest Spreeeker. These are:
Guest Spreeekers can contribute according to the ‘pay what you can’ principle. Contributions will be decided on an individual basis.