Our society is characterised by growing polarisation and a hardening of discourse in recent years. Trust in government or our fellow human beings is in decline. How do we respond to these changes?
Climate change is occuring right now. We can already see the consequences all around us. How do we adapt our current social and economic system to make it futureproof? How do we talk about these changes?
The Dutch are seen as ‘masters of the square meter’. However, space is becoming more and more scarce. How do we manage this? And how do we make cities sustainable and liveable for future generations?
Het slavernijverleden is een zeer pijnlijk, belangrijk en tot voor kort onderbelicht onderdeel van onze gedeelde geschiedenis. Van 1 juli 2023 tot 1 juli 2024, wordt hier extra aandacht aan besteed tijdens het Herdenkingsjaar Slavernijverleden.